Sunday 15 January 2012

Pothead Premier at the Broadview Hotel!


        Thanks to Dr. Love for including me in this art show, held in one of Toronto's oldest buildings, The Broadview Hotel. Built in downtown Toronto in 1893, this fine establishment is home to Jilly's strip club, as well as to illicit drug users of all varieties, and all kinds of local talent! Thanks to Daina for taking the indoor photos, and to Mel, the manager of the hotel, for letting Dr. Love transform the upstairs of Jilly's into an art lover's paradise! Nice to give our neighbours a smile... something to keep their minds off the bedbugs and cockroaches.           

Monday 9 January 2012

The Disciplined Pothead 10: Always Keep Your Knapsack on Your Back

The Disciplined Pothead 9: Ba Da Bing Ba Da Bong!

The Disciplined Pothead 8: Bubble Trouble

The Disciplined Pothead 7: Reading Glasses

The Disciplined Pothead 6: High Roller

The Disciplined Pothead 5: The Great Concealer

The Disciplined Pothead 4: Dream Lassie

The Disciplined Pothead 3: Adventures in Baking

The Disciplined Pothead 2: The Good, the Bad, and the Diagnosis

The Disciplined Pothead 1: Intro